Nonprofit Blogging

If you manage or work for a nonprofit you should be blogging — the benefits are almost too many to mention, but here are a few:  increased traffic to your website, increased time the viewer spends on the site, increased engagement in comments and social shares, increased attendance at offline events, larger bases of supporters and advocates, and more online donations.

But even with our advanced technology, many organizations are still in the dark ages when it comes to promoting the nonprofit online. Thankfully, we make it our mission (literally!) to show you how to make better use of technology and to put it to work FOR your organization.

We\’re kicking off a 3 part / 3-week course on blogging for nonprofits, not-so-creatively titled Blogging for Nonprofits.




Course Content

Blogging for Nonprofits 101: In Part 1 – we\’ll introduce you to the concept of blogging and nonprofit websites, examine elements of successful blogs, and get you thinking about the type of content that will help you get your mission out to as many people as possible. Finally, we\’ll leave you with a few bonus items including an editorial calendar to plan your posts and a handful of blog post templates you can use to structure your own writing.

Blogging for Nonprofits 201:  In Part 2 – we\’ll take a deeper dive into blogging and discuss content generating tools, how to categorize and tag your blog posts for maximum exposure on the web, how to fine-tune the settings of your blog and more. We\’ll discuss sharing your content on social media and getting your existing supporters and advocates to help you share your content.

Blogging for Nonprofits 301: In the final part of the course, we\’ll look at some advanced blogging techniques like changing your site design, creating some static pages to complement your dynamic blog content, and how to take donations directly on your blog.

When the course is all done, you\’ll have started writing engaging content, shared your content with your audience (and generated new audience members), learned how to integrate social media streams, and learned how to take donations directly on your site.

Why this Course?

OrgSpring has helped nonprofits use these techniques to raise nearly $1 million online and more than $3 million offline.

The course is taught completely online as a webinar. We\’ll do 3 webinars – one each week over the course of three weeks. Each webinar will last around 90 minutes, part of which time we\’ll use as a Q&A session to answer all the questions you might have.


Course Schedule

The next classes will take place on:

  • Webinar 1 – Friday, November 10, 2017
  • Webinar 2 – Friday, November 17, 2017
  • Webinar 3 – Friday, November 24, 2017


Course Pricing

Price for 3-week program: $297

If you are unable to attend one or multiple live webinars, recordings will be available — but only to registrants!

Registration is required using the link below.

Join the Nonprofit Blogging Course