Creating a Nonprofit Social Media Policy

This month we\’ve been discussing social media policies and how nonprofits can use them to protect the organization\’s brand, and also how to protect employees online.

Last week, we presented an hour long live webinar discussing the merits of creating a social media policy for your nonprofits, and then reviewed some of the more popular policies from actual operating nonprofits.

We took a moment to discuss some of the law surrounding recent employment cases where social media policies have become central, and reviewed several components of the policies that nearly every large nonprofit includes. In the end, we leave you with resources to start creating your own policy right now. We also include additional links where you will get access to nearly 100 more policies from companies around the globe.

When we finished up the webinar on creating a social media policy for your nonprofit we placed the audio and video on youtube and the slides on Slideshare. We\’ve included both of those resources for you, right here on our blog listed below.

If you\’d like to get on our list to find out more about upcoming webinars, make sure you visit the 2013 Free Webinar series for nonprofits and signup to that email list. We don\’t send spam and we don\’t market to that list – we just use it to let you know about the upcoming webinars in the series – of which there are approximately 1 or 2 a month.

If there are topics you\’d like us to explore in a future video or webinar, please drop us a note via the contact page.

We hope you enjoy the slides and video!


Slides from the Creating a Nonprofit Social Media Policy Webinar


Video from the Creating a Nonprofit Social Media Policy Webinar


If you\’d like to take a peek at a list of nearly 100 social media policies, you can find them at theĀ Social Media Governance Database of Social Media Policies, curated by Chris Boudreaux. Chris is a veteran blogger, with a very unique skill set, and his website brings together some of the best social media resources on the web.

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